Do you struggle with your message? If you struggle with your message, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Even people who work in communications struggle to get their message across. The truth is, you’ve got a very short period of time to explain what you do to hook your...
What is Outreach in Filmmaking Outreach is a central element in filmmaking. But what actually is it? Well, think about it. Once an audience has seen your film, what do you want them to do? Surely it’s more than just watch, right? Do you want your film to shift public...
Communicating In A Crisis This week we’re showing you what communicating in.a crisis is all about. While most crises are unexpected, many can be managed by communicating effectively. If anything, the word ‘crisis’ has become synonymous with 2020. The world...
Who is the messenger? When we say the word ‘messenger’, what do you immediately think of? Social media apps like Facebook or Viber? A barer of bad news? A man’s satchel bag? Maybe it’s all of the above – or none at all. At Moonshine Agency, what our minds immediately...
How to reach an audience This week our focus is about how to reach an audience. We’ve all heard it: when it comes to audience building, content is king. But what happens if the king can’t be found? Unfortunately, even brilliant content can’t reach an audience...