Creating content with a purpose


Featured Impact Film – Conquering Skin Cancer

In cinemas from 20 November 2024

Conquering Skin Cancer is not your average documentary; it’s a compelling social impact film with a mission to prevent skin cancer.

In a country where the “bronzed Aussie” image has led to more skin cancer deaths than road accidents, the WHO predicts a staggering 68% increase in melanoma deaths by 2040. But this is not set in stone. And although Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world (Cancer Council); most skin cancers can be prevented.

Weaving together compelling and emotional stories from survivors, advocates, and world-leading experts, the second instalment in the international Conquering Cancer Campaign delves into how every body can live safely under the sun.

So, You Have An Idea. Now What?

If you want to turn your idea into a movement, you need to create unforgettable content. That’s where we can help.

In Production at Moonshine Agency

Projects With A Purpose

Moonshine Agency

Take Heart: Deadly Heart

Deadly Heart is a film-led advocacy campaign putting Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) in Australia’s history books. We are using the film to calling on our government to fund the community-led services that prevent RHD and keep families strong and together.

Moonshine Agency

Conquering Cancer

A social impact communications campaign capturing the efforts to eliminate cervical cancer in every country. Conquering Cancer is an impact film project comprising 52 short films, a 60 minute feature, social media campaign and much more.

Moonshine Agency

New School

Imagine an education system that caters to the needs of all students, an equitable system that activates deep learning, inquiry and agency.  New school is a thought-provoking film that will transform the way you think about education. 

Why Moonshine Agency?

Because a story is only as good as the impact it creates

Are you a purposeful organisation, change maker, philanthropist, activist entrepreneur, ethical marketer, educator or artist? Maybe you’re all of the above. Or perhaps you’re someone else all together. No matter how you position yourself, you’re likely having the same problem as everyone else: turning your vision into action.

At Moonshine Agency, our mission is to make content with a purpose. We have more than a decade of experience in impact filmmaking and we know how to build motivated communities that get involved and take action. Telling your story is one thing, but inspiring your audience to join your movement is how you’ll change the world.

Award-Winning Work From Moonshine Agency

Wow, you’ve come a long way! If we still have your attention, it might be time to take a look at our award-winning impact films. Our production house has been recognised worldwide by the global Horizon Interactive Awards, the Indie Fest Film Awards and the Accolade Global Film Competition, among others.